Friday, January 25, 2013

Its been too long

I know its been a long time since I've written.  I had a friend tell me a week or two between posts is just too long. lol.  Well I have been busy ya know...

I'm currently in Arizona and have been since Sunday.  Working, doctors appointments, pet scan (which is clean by the way!) visits with a few friends and great quality time with my sister Deb. As I sit here getting chemo I'm super tired (not sleeping) and missing my furry boys.  I plan to go see Linda and Greg when I'm done here.  A quick drive to Prescott and then hang out until the crack of OMG Sunday morning when I hit the road.

The garage has been completed or at least the major stuff done.  When I get back I'm going to focus on unloading the extra bedroom.  I'm leaving with a very long to-do list from work so its going to be a crazy couple of weeks until the dust settles but that's ok.  Busy is good.

I guess the really cold snap is over for my neck of the woods. We are supposed to get snow this next week and I'm glad.  The forest is dry!  Last week it was clear as a bell at my house but yet 20 miles away in Raton, NM it snowed 8 inches!!

Over the last couple of weeks I've seen many deer.  There is an area off the drive way by the house that they like.  Seems its the same 8 that are hanging out. Glad they feel safe to do that near my house

Did I mention that I made apple butter.  I forgot to peel the apples but I scooped a bunch out and it turned out really good!!  Next time I'll peel the apples.  I was disappointed that 12 apples only made 2 pints of butter.  I might make a double batch next time.  It was easy peasy- 12 apples peeled and cored cut up into small pieces, 1 tablespoon of cinnamon, a dash or two of nutmeg and some honey to taste.  Cook the heck out of it for like 8 hours, blends and wa la you have apple butter.  You can add additional spice to taste.

Austin has been staying with the boys.  Thank you Austin.  When I return I need to find a groomer.  Max is filthy and Oliver is not only in need of a bath, his fur makes him look like a scowling little old man! lol.  According to Austin, both boys miss me.  Ahhhhh.

Well the Benedryl has kicked in so I'm going to sign off.

Love from the big city -


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Another week of busy

Its Saturday morning in the forest and it is cold today!  Thanks to Linda and Greg's gift for Christmas I have this snazzy thermometer that is wireless so I can see inside how cold it is outside.  This morning, like many, I am grateful I get to tinkle inside!  This morning it was 2 when I let the boys out.  When its that cold they can go fast. lol.  The high today is supposed to get to 25.  Bundle up buttercup.

Once again, it was another busy week. Yesterday I got internet hooked up to the house.  Its nice to not have to plug in my phone to the computer but I always have that as a back up.  I had lunch with my dear friend Carolynn on Thursday.  

I went to the Pierian Women's meeting on Tuesday.  What the heck is that you're asking, well The Pierian Club is known to be the oldest women's club in Colorado and was formed in 1893.  The name Pierian was adopted from an Alexander Pope essay which, in part, reads, "A little learning is a dangerous thing, drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring".  In Greek mythology the Pierian Spring was reputed to impart wisdom to those who drank from it.  This was my second meeting and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Austin helped me cut off the table legs, Marilyn stopped by to give moral support and it turned out fabulous!!

Today is the Santa Fe Trail Ranch Women's Group Meeting of which I am the new treasurer.  The Women's Group exists for camaraderie and fund raising for the benefit of Santa Fe Trail Ranch.

I also went to Pueblo with Austin on Wednesday and bought a new mattress.  The hope was it would help my back but it hasn't so its back to Kristy the chiropractor this week. FYI Max got a new bed too and Oliver a new pillow but this photo is not of his new pillow.  He wanted to sit on the floor and look handsome for the picture.

So I'll leave you with -

Love and shivers,

Friday, January 4, 2013

Two Weeks. Really?

Isn't it interesting the way time passes.  Sometimes I feel as though I've been here, in my Colorado home, forever.  And then there are times it seems like only days.  But, in all reality as of tomorrow will be two weeks.  That's all.  Two weeks.  Well heck to Betsy no wonder I'm not all unpacked and put away, its only been two weeks!  A lot has happened in two weeks, we had Christmas, New Years, two trips to the chiropractor, rock delivered for part of the drive, a garage door delivery, real estate classes ordered and today the mower arrived.  Whew.  And then there is work, yes work.  (Lynne please let Art know I am, in fact, working. lol)  Month end, year end, the work never stops which is really a good thing.

Here is the garage door (inside the garage) and mower is on the left -

The rock on 1/4 of the driveway - need more rock!

Today was a highlight though with the mower delivery.  My friend and neighbor agreed to help me with his pick up truck meet the semi truck driver and bring my mower (365 pounds) to my house.  The semi wouldn't come up the roads.  Too snowy and icy.  When we arrived back here (note to self to wear boots when its 27 degrees outside and not tennis shoes) and while we were unloading I noticed not 50 feet from me were 8 deer.  I think it was 4 doe and 4 fawns.  Just watching and munching.  Not one bit scared but rather quite curious as to what we were doing.  At one point I stepped away from the garage area (to stand in the sunshine) and the one doe followed me and got within 20 feet.  I was just talking at her and she was such a nosey little thing.  I hadn't seen any animals on my land since I've been here so it made me very happy!

So its been a busy two weeks and each day is not only an adventure but also a gift.  Lets see what the next week brings -

Love from the forest,

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years Eve

If someone would have told me last new years eve that 2012 would be full of change, wonder and excitement I would have laughed.  I never, for one minute, thought I would see the end of a long term management job, find a renter for my house in Scottsdale and then move to Colorado to realize my dream. Not to mention my dear friend Austin moving here too. But here I am sitting at my desk watching it snow!

Life has barely slowed down over the last week in my efforts to get unpacked, set up and ready to start the new year with enthusiasm, motivation, and a warm sweater!  Realizing that I am combining two households into one makes for organizational challenges and begs the question, what am I going to do with all these kitchen utensils!!  But, as the boxes get unpacked a new donation box gets filled.

My garage door should arrive and be installed by next weekend which will turn the guest room/storage room back into a guest room.  I wonder whats in all those boxes marked "garage".  Well I'll find out in the spring when its warmer outside and looking though them will be more fun and work.

The dogs are doing great.  I've let them both off leash to run in their forest and they both come back when called.  Of course thats without any distractions like deer or squirrel, but I'm happy for the small step, especially with Oliver.  It makes my heart smile to see them run and run and run. And they love the snow!

May your New Year be filled with all that makes you happy along with good health, of course.

Love and Cheers!