Monday, June 9, 2014

Baby horses, bears and a happy forest

Greetings from the Forest,

Life has been a whirlwind of late.  Seems I just think I'm in control and poof I'm out of control.  But, its all good.  I'd rather be busy than bored and quite honestly it gives me an excellent excuse to have a messy house with fur balls!

The biggest news is that Scenic West Properties (the company I am a realtor at) has opened a property management division.  The local bank asked us to manage an apartment property they took back in a foreclosure.  We said sure.  Oh my, what a dump. Yes I'm serious. Oh my, what a ton of work.  Yes I'm serious about that too.  But I love a challenge and our goal, Rick and mine, is to turn it around, make is pretty and get it rented so we can sell it.  

Seems starting this division has changed some momentum.  We got five listings last week.  We decided that Rick and I would co-list everything and boom here came the clients.  It was a hell of a week last week but its all good.  Now, bring on the buyers!

So with the change of spring in the air, so are the babies.  While going to a new listing last week there were two momma horses with their babies.  It was cool cuz I stopped to take a photo and the momma's surrounded the babies along with the other horses in the herd.  Protecting their young.

I also saw my first bear recently.  He's probably 2-3 years old and his momma most likely booted him out to be on his own.  

This is the time of year for Elk to foal.  I haven't seen any babies - yet.  But this big guy was proud to pose for a picture.  Usually they take off but he was strutting his stuff.  So handsome.

The garden is planted but it is struggling as we have had a lot of rain and hail the past few weeks.  Crossing my fingers that my veggies will flourish soon.  In the meantime, the forest can use every bit of moisture so I'm happy that it's happy.

That's all for now.  Thank you for letting me share another day in the forest.
Why yes we are up to something!
Love and the pitter patter of baby animal feet -


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