Saturday, August 16, 2014

Do you feel the momentum change?

Greeting from the forest

That title is something we've been saying in our office the last few weeks.  It's been crazy that for such a super slow beginning of 2014, we all of a sudden are so darned busy.  Life is a whirlwind.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, I had no clue how much work being a realtor is!  Showing property in our area is a very time consuming event and you have to know your county roads or you could be lost with your clients.  Yikes.  It is nice, however, to have a little money coming in. Considering the slowness of the first 6 months of this year I say keep this momentum going!!

Old yet new news is that my pal Austin has moved back to Colorado.  He bought a great little old house in town (Trinidad) and it is just perfect!  Turquoise metal kitchen cabinets, red counter tops, soft yellow walls, orange bedroom walls and an incredible claw foot tub - just like Austin - colorful.  He had been staying with me and it was nice to have him as a roomy again.  But alas, it was time for him grace his own casa.  The boys, Oliver and Max, miss him already but I am thrilled to have my friend close again!

I went to Nashville a couple of weeks ago for a hospital trustee conference.  I drove - whose stupid idea was that?!  I did have the opportunity to visit my friend Lori and her husband, Warren, in Oklahoma and had a great time.  They were very kind to put me up for the night and we had a wonderful time staying up late and kibitzing.  Here are a couple of pictures of Lori and Warren's menagerie -

Ozzie the llama

Grandma goat

In other news, someone was eating the garden!  Caught him/her red handed on the game camera - a bunny!  I added screen around the garden and it stopped the bunny from entering!  Because of schedules I haven't gotten to replant much so the garden this year is very sad.  But there is always next year!

Besides being a busy girl, life has been great in the forest.  Here are a few photos.

While I was out showing property these two were being nosey

Sometimes you can't decide in or out

Lots of people have llamas to protect their herds.  This one was watching yet resting.

Oliver is always waiting for company on the front deck

Max is never without his keys

Why yes, I am handsome aren't I?

Mom and baby just below my house.

Obviously this lil guy needs a crosswalk
So thats all for now from the forest.  Thanks for letting me share.


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