Once again, it was another busy week. Yesterday I got internet hooked up to the house. Its nice to not have to plug in my phone to the computer but I always have that as a back up. I had lunch with my dear friend Carolynn on Thursday.
I went to the Pierian Women's meeting on Tuesday. What the heck is that you're asking, well The Pierian Club is known to be the oldest women's club in Colorado and was formed in 1893. The name Pierian was adopted from an Alexander Pope essay which, in part, reads, "A little learning is a dangerous thing, drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring". In Greek mythology the Pierian Spring was reputed to impart wisdom to those who drank from it. This was my second meeting and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Austin helped me cut off the table legs, Marilyn stopped by to give moral support and it turned out fabulous!!
Today is the Santa Fe Trail Ranch Women's Group Meeting of which I am the new treasurer. The Women's Group exists for camaraderie and fund raising for the benefit of Santa Fe Trail Ranch.
I also went to Pueblo with Austin on Wednesday and bought a new mattress. The hope was it would help my back but it hasn't so its back to Kristy the chiropractor this week. FYI Max got a new bed too and Oliver a new pillow but this photo is not of his new pillow. He wanted to sit on the floor and look handsome for the picture.
So I'll leave you with -
Love and shivers,
The table looks fabulous! :) The picture of the two boys together is so adorable. Yay for TV and Internet connectivity!